Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board of Erie County is a volunteer board composed of dedicated community members representing the county. We play a crucial role in planning, funding, and monitoring a unified system of care for mental health and addiction services in Erie County, Ohio. Our mission is to ensure person-centered wellness and a healthy community through a continuum of behavioral health services.
Empowered to plan, develop, fund, administer, and evaluate local services, we are uniquely positioned to quickly identify and effectively respond to evolving community needs. We receive federal, state, and local levy funds, which allow us to independently plan and implement essential community services. These services include in-school counseling, community mental health and addiction education, crisis intervention, critical incent stress management, child support services in partnership with local organizations, recovery support, housing assistance for individuals with mental illness, and provide vital resources for individuals seeking help.
If you are in need of assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to them.
The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Erie County plans, funds, directs and monitors a dynamic network that drives a continuum of behavioral health services in a relentless pursuit of person-centered wellness and a healthy community.
The Board is the leader that pursues a system that delivers quality, affordable services to meet the behavioral health needs of people at the time they need it, across the lifespan, in a community that embraces wellness and erases stigma.
Core Values
- Integrity. We will demonstrate ethical conduct, communicate with honesty and transparency, and embrace diversity and inclusion which plays a crucial role in successful recovery programs for individuals dealing with addiction and mental health challenges.
- Efficiency. We will evaluate the need for facility services, addiction services, mental health services and recovery supports.
- Commitment. We will play a vital role in promoting mental health, preventing substance misuse, and providing treatments and support for recovery.
- Cooperation. We will collaborate with other local and regional planning and funding bodies and with relevant ethnic organizations, evaluate strengths and challenges and set priorities for addiction services and mental health services.
- Dependability. We will listen, respond, and advocate on behalf of individuals who have been identified as needing addiction or mental health services.
- Purposefulness. We will make data-informed decisions, striving for growth and learning in promoting effective prevention, treatment, and recovery practices, ensuring person - and family centered care, and encouraging coordination within behavioral health services and across other health care and social support services.
- Stewardship. We will strive to be good stewards of taxpayers' dollars by ensuring strategic, accountable, and efficient use of resources while delivering quality services to those in need.