    24/7 - Crisis Support  Call 9-8-8 | Crisis Hotline 1-800-826-1306 | Text: "4hope" to 741 741  Nami Helpline 1-800-950-6264 Text: "Helpline" to 62640

Contact Us

As the primary oversight agency for community behavioral health services in Erie County, the Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board recognizes the urgent need for comprehensive crisis intervention, mental health and substance use support services.  To obtain resources or learn more about how you can help please contact us.

2900 Columbus Avenue, 2nd Fl.
Sandusky OH 44870

Website adamhserie.org

Board Staff:

Diane Taylor, Executive Director
419-627-1908 Ext. 2831
419-503-2273 Work Cell 

[email protected]

Alyssa McGue, Fiscal Manager
419-627-1908 Ext. 2833

[email protected]

Cheryl Huss, Special Projects Coordinator/AOT Project Director
419-627-1908 Ext. 2832

[email protected]

Caleb Stidham, Community Relations Coordinator 

[email protected]

Dii'Azia Brown, Office Manager
419-627-1908 Ext. 2830

Kelly LaRosa, Grant Writer 

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