    24/7 - Crisis Support  Call 9-8-8 | Crisis Hotline 1-800-826-1306 | Text: "4hope" to 741 741  Nami Helpline 1-800-950-6264 Text: "Helpline" to 62640

Suicide Prevention


                                    Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
      You are not alone. Call immediately. 
                24/7 crisis support    

24-hour access to emergency services
for people facing a mental health, drug or alcohol related crisis is provided through 

Firelands Counseling and Recovery Services through the HOPE LINE.

Hotline at 1-800-826-1306.

NAMI Helpline.  To talk with a NAMI Helpline specialist, please call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).
Text "HELPLINE" to 62640Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., ET.

If you would like to play a vital role in mobilizing others in the county to recognize that suicide can be prevented, please join us at our next meeting:

Coalition Meeting's Scheduled for 2025
February 12
April 09
June 11
August 13
October 8
December 10
Meeting Location

Erie County Health Department

420 Superior Street, lower-level Conference Center

 Sandusky, Ohio 44870
Time 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
or please contact the ADAMHS Board of Erie County, (419) 627-1908 to learn more about how you can get involved.

***The semicolon (;) has a unique symbolism, especially in the context of mental health awareness. It represents a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues. The semicolon is used as a symbol because it represents a point where an author could have ended a sentence but chose not to. (The story of the semicolon was created by Amy Bleuel, Project Semicolon/Founder.)
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